Paul Stouffer
My inspiration comes from
the organic shapes and movements of the natural world. I’ve lived all over - from the swamp to the savanna - and each place has been uniquely enlightening.
The main thing I’ve learned is that we’re really all just a bunch of weird apes taking ourselves too seriously. Every once in a while, perhaps while riding a wave or climbing a mountain, we’ll remember that we’re part of something bigger, but as an artist I’m working to reinforce that idea on a day-to-day basis. I’m currently whipping up some nature-based designs in London and Namibia - stay tuned for more exciting stuff soon. Check out my work at paulstouffer.com
Ragnar Schmidt
With great detail, Ragnar paints complex, inverted, and manipulated scenery that requires more than one glance to be thoroughly appreciated. Ragnar focuses on the intricacy and power of the hands and how they mold both the most rugged and delicate parts of life. At its core, Ragnar’s sketching is playful yet eerie, using warm colors to depict dark contortions of the human body, and often peppering pieces with misdirected language. - M.

Lauren Miller
Lauren is a multi-talented artist with a background in hand-crafted jewelry, interior design and drawing imagery that slurps you in with it's high level of detail and emotional complexity.

Magnus Schmidt
"The future is
The future is here!
The future is better looking and more intelligent than his brother."
Magnus Schmidt is a student at the University of British Columbia, currently majoring in Political Science with an emphasis on international security and environmental policy. In his free time, he enjoys skiing with friends, hiking, mirrors, and long walks on plastic-free beaches. Known for doing slightly better than his brother Ragnar in most every category, he shines at a brilliant 22 and brushes his teeth twice a day. With slogans like “Who me?” and “The party never stops,” Magnus dazzles his way through life and is excited to take on a role in sales and environmental sustainability. He’s wicked smart, and his deadly sharp wit is sure to whittle his all-business-no-brain peers into environmentally sustainable weapons. His optimism never fails, and his buttery baritone voice makes his co-workers swoon, contemplating renaming the brand to risen, or found, paradise.